Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mon nez est moyen. 私の鼻は並です。

I'm assuming this person the other day was joking, but he mentioned that I have a long nose.  I have since been obsessed with looking at my nose.  I have become transfixed by it.  I now wish it was long, so that I could have a really distinctive nose.  Like Ryan Lochte.  His nose is magnificent.

He totally looks like those Greek/Roman statues (*thinking I should maybe attempt a drawing*)


Anonymous said...


just stop thinking about you nose and try very very very hard not to think about cakesters and lemon cake

Ray Avito said...

I'm on a Moon Pie kick at the moment...MOON PIES!! Hmmmm, Cakesters...Hmmmm, Ryan...

Anonymous said...

you mean mudpies right


simple if you want to stop your moon pie kick

just think of Ron's Ex coming in an mooning you


Ray Avito said...

Depending on how clean or dirty he is, that may or may not be a good thing. Choose version depending on level of kink you're feeling.