Thursday, July 7, 2011

Kudos To Danell!

At the Japan Cup last weekend (coverage of which was conspicuously missing from Universal Sports' TV lineup...I'm just sayin'...), Danell Leyva made quite an impact, it seems!  Danell won bronze in the all around competition, a great accomplishment, while the US Men's team as a whole took home a silver medal.  Not a bad meet for Danell, I'd say.

Here's a montage of his highlights.  I always enjoy watching him do floor the most and the final pass includes a very beautiful (and please do excuse my lack of correct terminology, Frankie, you know I'm pretty clueless when it comes to sports...words...) dismount with that somersault that I'm pretty sure is called "in the laid out position"...that sounds familiar.


Anonymous said...


interesting word

(lustful smile)

anyway...oh the eyelashes

no one can ever beat the ultimate eyelashes

Ray Avito said...

See! Now you've got me started with the dirty thoughts...

Ray Avito said...

***wondering if Tammy Faye ever woke up with flakes of mascara in her eyes*** A most annoying thing, by the way...

Anonymous said...

darn it!!!!!!!!!!

where is my yellow raincoat?

can never find it when you need it