Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New(ly shorn toe nail) Year!!

So I finally decided to clip my jacked up toe nails last night.  Nobody ever sees my feet, so I feel no compunction to keep them at all presentable.  This hard-as-diamonds clipping came off of my big toe.  It had started snagging on the elastic in my socks so something had to give. (This picture makes me want to get my palm read...)

I'll be ringing in the New Year at the newly reprieved Spotlight Bar.  Yes, it is the dreaded Karaoke night, but I'm holding out hope against hope that they are actually going to have strippers tonight.  It's a special occasion!!  There should be dancers!!  Of course, I know there will be no dancers, but one can fantasize.  At least karaoke keeps me from wasting my shekels in the jukebox (wasted because we all know Robbie would put in whatever large amount, do "Play Mine First" on all of his selections and keep us in dreary slow jazz for 3 hours.) and keeps them going to beer, where they should be going.  Let there be slut-baggery going on that I can ogle from the sidelines and get a vicarious thrill!!

Let there be Frankie!!

Let me not try to get into that red tank top because I feel too bloated to wear it!!  Let there be a Lakers game on so I can eyeball Shannon Brown and Luke Walton!!  Let me not get the evil eye because I insist on playing "Whip My Hair" again!!


that's J-O-S-H said...

I HATE when my toenails snag on mah socks. WORST FEELING EVER!

Ray Avito said...

Also bad: When they break off in your sock and you have to feel it in there until you get to a place where you can take off your shoe...