Thursday, September 22, 2011

Freedom Of Oppression

Fighting for the freedom to be oppressed?  Is that a paradox or ironic?  Muslim ladies in France are protesting for their freedom, but their freedom is oppression.  I've never paid much attention to any religions outside of the Colossal Clusterfuck that is Christianity so I don't have an educated opinion about these niqab/hijab combos or burkas.  My initial reaction is that abuse victims become accustomed to the abuse and can't imagine anything else.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Ray.
It is like the Evangelicals asking to dominate all aspects of our lives and our government...don't they realize that they lead miserable, dull, frustrating lives? How many great scientists, artists, philosophers or even statesmen are Evangelical-Fundamentalists? NONE!
It is religion depriving people of their ability to think.

Ray Avito said...

It's getting more serious with these extreme radicals trying to take over our government AND BEING TAKEN SERIOUSLY!!