Tuesday, May 17, 2011

School & Beer & Regurgitated Raviolis (Perhaps)...

Hmmm, so it was a 3-alarm-drunk weekend, Frankie!  Friday night, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday afternoon.  I don't know what I was thinking!  When I got to class Monday night, I was still in such a haze I could barely concentrate.  (On a side note, the bus that I took after class had apparently stopped in Crazy Town because there were some REAL CHARACTERS on that mug.)  I'm sitting at the bar on Saturday afternoon doing the whole barstool dancing thing and this lady (Renee?) was looking at me like I had lost my damn mind.  Either that or she was wondering why there were triplets moving in synchronized motions next to her.  I hope it was amusing.  The only thing that stood out about Sunday was the back brace/corset/truss/girdle tightening incident involving huge breasts and a 1940's chapeau...

I went to see "The Crucible" on campus Thursday night.  I know, right?  Me going somewhere other than the bar?  I was very impressed and was barely holding it together by the end.  I could feel the emotion program booting up and struggled to override it!  I was taking notes during the performance because we had a paper to write on it for Humanities.  That was an effort because I didn't want to stop watching long enough to write down whatever scribbling I was doing.  The paper turned out to be my wishy-washy commentary on nobody's politics in particular and how the play could've been written about today's political state, but I plan on doing a second one for our final that focuses on the performances and how great I thought the whole effort was.

All of the actors were skinnier than me!!!  No Cakesters today!  If I hadn't already eaten those raviolis and meatballs, I'd save them for tomorrow (perhaps a purging?).  And I know actors are in general going to be a lot cuter than your average schlubs, but I thought this was a particularly easy-on-the-eyes cast, particularly the one playing Putnam, Spencer Steeby (even a great name!).

Frankie, you MUST make it out in order to see Red Line Ron's new glass eye!

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