Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sweaty Oblivious Bitch Crashes Memorial!

Not that I decided that "This is the best costume for the day" in this 70+ degree heat.  And without the option of turning it into a cape even! 

I went over to Antebellum today for an event and for some reason thought it was much cooler outside than it actually was.  I was fine taking the bus over, but the walk back...SHEESH!!  Sweating my ass off.  I enjoyed the event, but it seems like I crashed a very personal memorial for the previous owner of the establishment, Red.  I'm sitting there taking my little notes for my Humanities paper and suddenly people were giving their personal remembrances of Red.  I felt about an inch tall and wanted to run out of the door, screaming apologies at the top of my lungs as a trail of notebook paper scattered in the air behind me.

I thought I'd better not.

Before the event started I snapped photos of two works that were hanging that I really liked.  I like to call them "Contemplative Chimp" and "Jesus Collage."  There was also an extremely sexy and large picture of Tony Ward as a nude Jesus which would've convinced me to convert to whatever religion was responsible for creating such an image.

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