Friday, July 30, 2010

Nosebleed Alert!!

I'm not sure if I mentioned this, Frankie, but I am prone to frequent nosebleeds (I wonder if there's any such thing as a nosebleed fetish?).  I had one this morning and decided to take pictures of it, which of course meant I had to do a silly clip.

Nasty Nosebleed Interrupts Morning:

Thursday, July 29, 2010



**spotted in the L.A. Times Food section**

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Not What It Looked Like, Thank Zeus!

So, I spotted this mattress propped up against a tree outside of work today.  From afar, it looked like it had a huge abortion/shit/crime scene stain on it.  Pick one depending on your level of depravity.

Turns out it was just a big hole.  Drats?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's Fun For A Girl Or A Boy...

"...or those evil MGA bitches that refuse to die," muttered the Mattel exec under his/her breath.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Prayer Interruptus

Obsessive Inspiration

So I was watching the older version of Moulin Rouge with Jose Ferrer and he had done this painting of a woman he was...well I guess the word is obsessed...obsessed with.  This inspired me to do a drawing of my current of interest, William.

I drew this from memory, drunken memory, seeing as how I don't have a picture of him.  It resembles him a little bit, but could've been more surly/detached.  Oddly, it looks like a carbon copy of my Brent drawing...

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Bottom Of My Coffee Cup

Photos of the inside of my coffee cup + creepy whale calls = mind control video...with added creepiness.

Oh, Yous Guys...

Siddhartha has become hungry and reconsiders giving up Cakesters; Pope Benedict resigns after having a flip out over yet another priestly sex scandal; Veronica, thinking she's helping, wipes Jesus' bronzer off and now he has to face the public without having his face done; and Muhammad dies on Aisha's lap, leaving her pondering her wasted childhood after being hitched to an old man.

Subject: Nature

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I Have No Words

Whoever smuggled this shot out of the locker room has my sincere gratitude. Amen.