Friday, November 19, 2010

Random Photos & An Excellent Drawing

A couple of random photos:

I spotted this on the sidewalk while I was headed to class Wednesday.  Whoever did this is quite the talent and I was instantly green with talent envy.  Then I put the envy aside and admired the beauty of it.  Chalk on a sidewalk, even!!  Very nice!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Spotted Around Hollywood: GASP!!!, GRAFFITI!!!

No point behind these photos, I just thought the signs looked interesting from that angle...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Another Monday, Another Tragic Math Test!!

I'm seriously going to have to reconsider my major.  This math is vexing me.  So, Napoleon was going over the test after we turned our papers in and there's nothing quite like realizing that you got the VERY FIRST PROBLEM WRONG.  I don't think I did as bad as I did on the last one, but I've resigned myself to accepting my mathematical inadequacy.

In sexier and non-self-loathing-inducing matters, my friend Jackie (aka Vamga NovaHeart) gave me his card when I saw him the other night (afternoon?) and it had this spectacular picture of Jesus kissing a satyr!!  I do love a nice Bit O'Blasphemy so this was right up my twisted alley.  Hmmm, that sounded more perverted than was intended...yeah.  I mean, Jesus is getting tongued down, okaaay!!  Love it.

I just had a flash in my head of Eli Manning's skin tight football pants...I think they deserve a cropped picture focusing on their clingy beauty.  My word, all this sluttery going around in my head today...must be the lingering beer...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thank Jeebus I Was Too Drunk To Notice.

It appears my curse/jinx-throwing abilities are in full effect and much more powerful than I ever imagined.  The Cowboys beat the Giants this weekend 33-20!  How decidedly Not Good.  As I was thoroughly drunk at the time of the game (yes, thoroughly drunk that early in the afternoon on a Sunday), I don't recall actually watching the game, but I suppose that is for the best.  One week into a coaching change can make that much of a difference over in Dallas?  Color me dumbfounded.
On a side note: Eli's pants are SKIN TIGHT, especially noticeable in the last picture...SHEESH, Eli, you are killing a good way.  More Eli Manning butt shots, please...

Some Striking Images From Metropolis

Scenes from the movie Metropolis, which I enjoyed very much...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How Very Random...

I'm on the Fringe website today and I think to myself, "You know, I really love blimps."  I like that folks in the alternative world are using blimps.  It's just so random and fantastic.  I also love that Alterna-Astrid gets to display some skills that don't involve cooking or grocery lists!

So, my friend Roger's ex comes in to my work today to check his mail.  He is quite possibly the most attractive dusty homeless person I've ever seen.  How can he, while sleeping on the sidewalk, mind you, manage to look 100% fresher than me?  How very disturbing...and distressing.

Not that I spent the whole of yesterday being absolutely fascinated by the Diesel Washington Vs The Hate Brigade drama.  I laughed HARD at the wonderful entertainment of it all, and I suppose it succeeded in making me familiar with some characters that I'd never heard of before.  It's nice to fill out the character roster and to get a feel for what made Diesel declare HATE LEVEL: RED.  **cracking up**

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Behold, Eli Manning's Butt!

Eli's butt makes another appearance over at Getty.  I am making a declaration.  The Giants will be in the Superbowl.  Now, if they lose this Sunday to the free-falling Cowboys (this year's Raiders?), I refuse to take the blame for lowering a curse on that ass...but I would probably feel a little responsible...cuz of my super powers and all.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where Were You, Drunken Abstract Jesus?!

Wow, so my last math test clowned me but good.  I don't know if I was distracted or what, but I made some RIDICULOUS mistakes that can only be described as a serious lack of focus.  I ended up scoring a 78.  SEVENTY EIGHT!!!  We only have a total of 4 tests in the class, which will be averaged for our final score.  So far I have a 91 and a 78; I'm going to have to really ace the next two in order to get my average back up to an acceptable place!

So after receiving that disaster in class Monday, I went out to the Spotlight.  (They've got "Whip My Hair" on the jukebox now, so of course I had to play it twice!  Go Willow!)  After about 6 beers, I drew this sort of abstract-ish Jesus on the cross.  I'm going to leave Drunken Abstract Jesus in my notebook so he can use his magic powers to help me get 100% on my next test!  (Go Drunken Abstract Jesus!)