Wednesday, March 30, 2011


In addition to be dull and lifeless, Britney Spears is fatJessica Simpson would've caught hell coming out squeezed into an outfit like this.  It's no wonder she couldn't dance, she was just trying to breathe, for Christ's sake.  She's fatter here than she was on that infamous VMA "performance" with the bad weave and blue contacts.

As my penance for this post, I am forced to eat nothing but dry Cheerios for the next two days until I lose the spare tire around my waist...oh yeah, and I have to eat these dry Cheerios while watching Lidia's Italy. **mouth begins watering**

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ill-Advised Hair Attack

So, I'm sitting in front of the TV this past weekend, bored like crazy, when I decide to grab the scissors and start whacking away at my hair.  No mirror, no clippers, just me and the scissors and intuition.

I ended up with this ducktail looking 'fro and OF COURSE a hole in the side.  Every time I start whacking away, I end up with a hole.  I don't know, I kind of like that it makes me look insane-asylum-ish...

On a most fantastic side note, my Cheerios came with a secret decoder!!!  I haven't reached it yet in the box, but I'm anticipating the seconds of fun I'll have decoding the back of the box!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Well, That Was Unexpected...

So, I'm reading through my business textbook in preparation for class when I run across this little nugget in the terms definitions.  Personally, I've always been a little on the fence about affirmative action.  If a person is not qualified, a person is not qualified.  That should motivate them to become qualified so they can compete on the same level.  At that point, if they are still discriminated against, then they at least have a legitimate legal claim.

The definition presented is blatantly political.  At the time affirmative action was established, it was not to "right past wrongs" as they so glibly put it (notice they put it in quotations as even they knew they were full of shit), it was established because employers at that time were discriminating and that needed to be addressed.

Speaking of business class, boy was I a total ass when we had to get together for this ridiculous group project.  I am not built for collaborations.  Now I have to go in next week and act like nothing happened and that I wasn't acting like a horribly spoilt brat.  They were OVER my behaviour.  I just wonder how many of the members of my group were one of the 14 who got a D or less on our last test...UGH.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I spotted this Wizard of Id comic strip on the Comics Curmudgeon website and I am not joking...I was eating a hot dog and laughed so hard and unexpectedly that I nearly choked on it.  Sick and hilarious!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Danell Leyva Moment

Video of sexy Danell Leyva delivering a fantastic parallel bars routine...I was having a Danell Moment today and decided to Google him...(ahem)...

Watch more video of Danell Leyva on

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Algebra DRAMA!!: Funky Moron Episode...

So I get to Algebra class last night, remove my coat and all of a sudden...body funk!!  I am so bad about not doing a wash in forever that I ended up digging out a shirt to wear that had armpit odor.  I tried to wipe the shirt on my armpits so my deodorant would get on the cloth.  No good.  I. Was. Mortified.  Why did my shirt not give me a heads up to the funk BEFORE I got to class?  So then we start doing word problems, which never fail to confuse me to no end.  I don't know if I was distracted or what but, I was doing the equation right but messing up on the simple multiplication!!  This of course led to me doing some extremely long decimal answer when, had I done the multiplication right, the actual answer was much easier.

Curses to you, green henley!

On to the moron part of the title.  It took me 3 days to figure out this word problem:

"A boat makes a round trip from the mainland to a fishing village in 6 hours.  If the average speed of the boat while going to the village is 15 miles per hour, and the average speed while returning is 12 miles per hour, find the distance between the village and the mainland."

Frankie, when I finally came up with the right equation, I was what a moronica!!!  3 DAYS!!!

This Is Pretty Funny...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Two Photos

My boss brought this shirt for me from his last vacation.  I was most surprised when I took it out of the bag.  My clothes are generally pretty subdued, so I had to wonder what made him think I might like something this flashy.  I wore it at work the next day and actually, I do like it very much.  Somehow I feel like I should have a straw hat and a drink poured into a coconut shell.

Then we have what I consider flashy for me, my bar persona.  Where is everybody?  I could swear I remember there being a couple of customers in there!  (Georgie was in the shot but I cropped him out, don't want to upset anyone.)  Seeing as how this photo was taken just a little bit before I left, I seem oddly composed.