Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pope To Be Beatified, All Previous Saints Roll Their Eyes

Emboldened by Donald Trump's claiming pride at being exposed as a fraud/charlatan/liar/mercenary opportunist/huckster/snake oil salesman/idiot wrangler/etc..., child molesters are claiming that they have been vindicated in light of the Vatican's decision to beatify John Paul II.

"The Vatican decreed that Sister Marie Simon-Pierre's inexplicable cure from Parkinson's was the miracle needed to beatify John Paul. Her story will be highlighted at the all-night prayer vigil Saturday night ahead of Sunday's beatification Mass for John Paul."

Seems he's being fast-tracked to sainthood.  Apparently his suffering from Parkinson's disease is akin to having your eyes cut out, stoning, being shot by arrows, crucifixion, being burned at the stake and the like so Sister Marie's "miraculous cure" provided him with the other mandatory requirement for sainthood.  I don't know, it's just not as compelling as Joan of Arc's whole thing.  I'm thinking they are kinda cheapening the saint title.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Mean, Who Isn't A Little Nervous About Those Mining Colony Planets?

From the spectacular minds over at Medium Large:

Doing My Part For The Obesity Movement

So here we have my breakfast, Frankie.  Yes!  Two hotlinks and a 2 liter of Pepsi!!!  I was telling Leo that I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the bus window and I looked like a Pez dispenser.  I've decided that I may have overdone the weight loss thing.  Huge heads don't look right on skinny bodies.  I even got off my lazy butt and picked up my dumbbells for the first time in months.  OUCH!!

Almost done with school this semester!  Another couple of weeks and I'll never have to look at those idjits in my Business group project again!  I'm bracing myself for a B in that class.  I want to take Math 125 over the summer so I can get caught up to regular college mathematics but I would have to take it on a different campus.  I suppose that would be fine but you know how I hate mixing up my routine!

If you get a second, Google Cliff Jensen (Oooo, that sailor hat!  Take me, Jeebus!) and tell I crazy or is this the Sexiest Man Alive?  Him and Tommy Defendi are running neck and neck as my ultimate stalk/kidnap/taxidermy victim.  What?

Make sure you check out the story about Obama releasing his fake birth certificate and how Trump mistakenly thinks he is the Hero of America when all he did was force Obama to rush out and get this forgery made so he could quell the storm of patriotic intelligentsia who were rightly convinced that the state of Hawaii pulled off a 46 year conspi...wait, how old is Obama?...a 40+ year conspiracy to get this man elected just to piss off the whole of the New Confederacy.  Was that a run-on sentence?  Cakesters!

Friday, April 15, 2011

And You Wonder Why I Drink, Frankie?

Lost keys, drunken behaviour that went beyond my normal embarrassment threshold, a criminal record, play sold out after I used a bus token to get to the theater, and that dreaded Business project that is failing before my very eyes...the week of April 3-April 9 was officially the Worst Week EVER!!!

Granted the criminal record is just an infraction for...**grits teeth**...fare evasion on the Orange Line (an honest mistake, dumb but honest), but I do not like having a criminal record!!  Now if anybody checks my record they'll see that and think I'm some kind of deadbeat.

Okay, so the group project in Business class is not a total failure.  I just feel like our supposed group leader is an idiot and doesn't know what he's doing.  Yeah, just that is all.

I waited a week to post this because I'm actually in a very positive mood right now, and last week is funny to me now.  Had I posted it last week, I'm sure it would've been riddled with curse words and self-pity.  Of course, my "humor" also sounds like self-pity difference really?  Imagine me chuckling and flailing my hands around for dramatic effect to differentiate between self-pity and self-deprecation.

Oh, and a couple of random photos and non-stalkerish behaviour...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Yeah, Beccs!

After the Britney Zombie Blitzkrieg of this past week, how anyone can say "Friday" is the worst song ever is beyond me.  Personally, I think the song is cute, catchy, age appropriate and 100 times better than some stuff I've heard from established artists lately.  Once the easily-influenced masses get told how they are supposed to feel about a thing, that's all she wrote, hence the almost unanimous disdain for this perfectly harmless song.  I spotted this video of Rebecca Black poking fun at the phenomenon that is her debut song.

Two Photos

When Sam gave me this photo of me and Charles, he asked if I remembered taking it.  I laughed as he and I both know that I have no clue when this was taken.  I do appreciate them angling the shot to make me look my skinniest.  Ray & Charles at The Spotlight.

Notice in the I grabbing Charles in an inappropriate way?

Secondly, we have the current condition of my legs.  Clumsiness.  I have to say, the one on my right leg hurt like a bitch!  The ashy legs, on the other hand, are just a product of pure laziness/don't-care-itude.