Monday, March 28, 2011

Ill-Advised Hair Attack

So, I'm sitting in front of the TV this past weekend, bored like crazy, when I decide to grab the scissors and start whacking away at my hair.  No mirror, no clippers, just me and the scissors and intuition.

I ended up with this ducktail looking 'fro and OF COURSE a hole in the side.  Every time I start whacking away, I end up with a hole.  I don't know, I kind of like that it makes me look insane-asylum-ish...

On a most fantastic side note, my Cheerios came with a secret decoder!!!  I haven't reached it yet in the box, but I'm anticipating the seconds of fun I'll have decoding the back of the box!


Anonymous said...


is that a mullet?


(just passed out on floor)


Ray Avito said...

I sent my sister picture and she had a similar reaction except she jumped in the Way-Back Machine and labeled it a shag. It is so ridiculous looking that I must keep it.

Anonymous said...

actually i like it


Ray Avito said...

You do have a wonderfully eccentric-ness about yourself.