Saturday, October 8, 2011

New Sign Spotted Along Santa Monica Blvd Stroll!

I like this picture you sent, Frankie.  Of course my first thought was, "No vending?  This must be directed at the dear little hustlers."  Doesn't everything lead me back to thoughts of hustlers and their fantastically scandalous lives?

I'm not sure where you spotted this but I think they should be posted up and down Santa Monica Blvd just to add an extra element of lawbreaking to picking up hookers.  Do men still prostitute themselves along Santa Monica?  I should go walking down there one Saturday to check it out.  Actually no, that would involve being in the sun and being around humans, two things that give me a headache. 


Anonymous said...


cute. and yes, sometimes when i have a rental, i love driving on melrose at 4am.

well i divert onto santa monica, an i see the drag queens still working the boulevard close to la brea

somethings never die


thank goodness


Ray Avito said...

Is that why those ho's are always hanging out on that corner next to Carl's Jr? Here I'm thinking that they were legitimately waiting on the bus.