Tuesday, December 28, 2010

For Real, Tho?!?!

So I'm watching MST3K and their take on "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" and it is just as crap-tastic as you would want a movie with that title to be.  Not satisfied with just being crap, however, the makers of this film decided to push it right on over into Crazy Town when they presented this (with a straight face, mind you) "bear" along with ferocious growling and dramatic "I'm-About-To-Be-Mauled!" music.  I nearly fell over laughing.  Seriously, they thought Dropo was the comic relief?  Nay, he was merely the warm up act for this hilarity.


Anonymous said...

is this from television?

actually might like to see this.



Ray Avito said...

I got it on Netflix. Frankie, you would die laughing. It is a complete and fantastic mess. And my God, that Dropo...**strangulation motions**