Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Napoleon Laughs?

So, Napoleon had us writing and solving our own problems on the black board last night.  I DID NOT LIKE THAT!!  Nerve-wracking.  I am not at all comfortable with getting up in front of people, especially when I know that I'm about to make a bunch of silly mistakes.  I'm still leaving off negative signs.

Napoleon only had to sit back and watch us and offer help if anybody got stuck.  I suppose since he didn't have the pressure of having to actually try to teach us slow-wits anything new, he was in a relaxed mood.  He was actually LAUGHING and joking!!  And for a change, it wasn't at our sub-par math skills!

Fortunately, classmates kept doing the kinds of problems that threw me on the tests.  Not the ridiculousness of forgetting to add a negative sign, or mixing up 7x6 and 7x9 (I know, right? I need to slow down!), but the problems that lead to the glaring red ink and its vibrantly awful rebuke "You have a serious concept problem."

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