Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Now I Can Breathe!

My English 101 grade was posted, and I got an A.  **Finally lapses into a state of relaxation**  I was very worried about that final essay because I was still writing when time was up, so the last two paragraphs were very rushed.  Without any time to review or revise the thing, I was absolutely worried.

Okay, so my English and Psychology classes are transferable, but of course the Pre-Algebra is not.  The Elementary Algebra I'm taking in Spring applies towards my AA at my community college but is not transferable to any other college, so I'm still building towards a transferable math class.  **Hangs head in shame!**  But still, I'm very happy with my progress so far.  I would say it's time for beer tonight but with all this rain, I should get back to my Ark-building...


Anonymous said...

Definite Congrats!!!!!

now you can treat yourself.

i know

a sex date with John!!!!


don't forget to bring the little blue pill

just in case he can't get it up

you never know


Ray Avito said...

**HEAVE!! WRETCH!!** Chunks of half digested Cakesters splatter to the floor in a steaming, funky pile of bile...

Anonymous said...


just had a mind picture of that

reminds me of robcop when that guy fell into some vat of corrosive whatever, and parts of him just kept falling off

but remember now, even John was once cute to someone or something on this planet

Ray Avito said...

Well, before his mental and physical breakdown, I did think he was cute enough but that view of the snot dangling from his nostrils has erased any such thoughts from my head.